
Key Group

A set of scans whose filenames share all BIDS filename key-value pairs, excluding subject and session. The key group is derived from the common BIDS filename elements. For example, acquisition-*_datatype-*_run-*_task-*_suffix.

Parameter Group

A set of scans with identical metadata parameters in their sidecars. Defined within a Key Group. Numerically identified, meaning that each Key Group will have n Param Groups, where n is the number of unique sets of scanning parameters present in that Key Group (e.g., 1, 2, etc.).

Dominant Group

The Param Group that contains the most scans in its Key Group.

Variant Group

Any Param Group that is non-dominant.

Rename Key Group

Auto-generated, recommended new Key Group name for Variant Groups. Based on the metadata parameters that cause scans in Variant Groups to vary from those in their respective Dominant Groups.

Acquisition Group

A collection of sessions across participants that contains the exact same set of Key and Param Groups.
